Romanian Artists to Watch in 2023

Already in the second quarter of the year, the time it’s well passed to have a look back at what happened in terms of music production by Romanian artist in last year and what to expect in 2023.

2022 was pretty dry and chill year for the Romanian producers, with not many impressing achievements. We are still revolving around the same few figures, with very little coming forward besides the rominimal scene, but 2023 is looking more promising.

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Romanian Artists to Watch in 2023

Best Romanian Electronic Music in 2021

With a long overdue, we finally managed to find the time to compile this list, so with no further comments here is the best electronic music created by Romanian artists in 2021, according to our opinion.

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Best Romanian Electronic Music in 2021

Kosmogonik – Polyverse [PRTR21]

KOSMOGONIK - Polyverse

Polyverse is the new debut album of the very exciting and fresh sounding Kosmogonik from Bucharest, Romania. Nine driving and atmospheric tracks that vibrate all the way from heavyweight techno to cosmic ambient.


Kosmogonik – Polyverse [PRTR21]

Romanian Artists to Watch in 2021

2020 was a tough year for almost everyone and definitely a year to forget for our scene. Events and gigs canceled, venues closed, artists lacking a way to earn a decent living and club culture facing a threat like never before. Without the interaction on the dancefloor all this seems pointless, but we have to stay resilient and hope for the better.

Looking at the local scene in Romania, during these times of hardship with movement restriction and curfew for almost the entire part of the year, with people fears and anxiety, there was almost to nothing happening in terms of events. But, the Romanian artists proved to be fairly active in the studio. We have here a summary of releases from Romanian artists that caught our attention in 2020 and a sneakpeek in what’s to come in the first part of 2021.

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Romanian Artists to Watch in 2021